Monday, February 21, 2011

Kopi Luwak: Indonesia's rich cup or 'crappuccino'?

(CNN) -- If you are a coffee lover you might be tempted to pay for a cup of the most expensive coffee in the world. Indonesia's velvety tasting brew, Kopi Luwak, gives new meaning to rich coffee. It can cost up to $50 per cup.
"The supply is very limited in the world that makes the price is very expensive," Kopi Luwak brand managing director Henry Fernando said.
The reason the supply is limited has to do with how the beans are initially processed. Just a warning here, it isn't pretty.
Kopi means coffee in Indonesian and Luwak is a wild Asian palm civet, a fury creature that looks like a cross between a cat and a ferret. The civet climbs the coffee trees to find the best berries, eats them, digests the berries and eventually out comes the coffee beans in its stools. Farmers then pick up the civet droppings and take the beans to a processing plant. Something about the gastric juices in the civet's stomach gives Kopi Luwak its unique flavor.
We do the cleaning process before we do the roasting. It's not a problem, and now the Kopi Luwak is certified Halal.
--Henry Fernamdo, Kopi Luwak brand managing director
"I do like it. Compared to other kinds of coffee, it has a more distinctive coffee taste and aroma," customer Yotje Hartono said as he sipped his coffee after watching the ritual of making a cup of the expensive brew.
At a Kopi Luwak Café in Jakarta the staff brings out a gold-lined cup, a hot thermos of water and vacuum packed sealed package of the Kopi Luwak. The package is opened and poured into the cup and then the hot water is poured in. It is stirred and then covered. You have to wait two minutes before sipping it.
When I first saw it being made I recoiled. I thought: "I'm paying all this money for instant coffee, no way!"
But after taking the first sip I felt a little better. It is very smooth with hints of chocolate and caramel flavors and it doesn't have that acidic aftertaste that coffee sometimes does.
For years it has been more popular overseas than in Indonesia but that is fast changing as the economy in the country continues to grow at a rate far faster than those in the west.
"We opened Kopi Luwak Café in 2002 and already have 20 stores," Fernando said.
It has become even more popular around the world after it was featured on "Oprah" and in the Hollywood movie "The Bucket List" where Jack Nicholson's character was obsessed with it (not knowing of course what made it so special until the end).
Kopi Luwak's growing popularity and the way its made has run into trouble. It has been given some nasty names such as "crappuccino" and inspired two of Indonesia¹s main Muslim organizations to consider putting a fatwa on it because the process appeared to be ritually unclean.
But that all changed, Fernando said, after a bit of explanation about the bean when it is excreted.
"It still has the skin, inner layer. And we do the cleansing process, before we do processing and roasting. It's not a problem. And now, the Kopi Luwak is certified Halal," he said.
And it is being enjoyed for a heck of a lot less in its home country than elsewhere. A cup costs about $8 in Indonesia as opposed to up to $50 in other countries.
"I feel it's the type of thing you have to do once at least," an American customer who happened to visiting Indonesia said.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Banyak Teman di Facebook Bikin Stres

LONDON. Para pengguna Facebook yang memiliki lebih banyak teman menderita stres dan neurotic limbo karena perasaan mereka sendiri untuk harus terus memperbarui status dan menyenangkan "penonton" mereka yang besar.

Pendapat itu berdasarkan riset baru di Edinburgh Napier University, seperti diberitakan Telegraph.

Namun, para pakar psikologi Internet sangsi dengan klaim itu, mereka mempertanyakan metodologi penelitian.

Para peneliti mengumpulkan jawaban survei online dari 175 mahasiswa mengenai perasaan mereka terhadap Facebook. Hampir sepertiga responden adalah perempuan.

"Kami menemukan itu benar-benar dialami mereka yang memiliki teman terbanyak, mereka yang paling banyak mencurahkan waktunya di situs itu, yang paling cenderung menderita stres," kata Dr Kathy Charles, pemimpin penelitian.

"Itu seperti menjadi saluran berita mengenai diri Anda sendiri. Lebih banyak orang yang Anda miliki Anda lebih merasa ada penonton. Anda hampir merupakan selebritis mini dan dengan penonton lebih besar lebih banyak tekanan yang Anda rasakan untuk menghasilkan sesuatu mengenai Anda sendiri."

Sebanyak 12 persen responden mengatakan Facebook membuat mereka merasa cemas. Mereka rata-rata memiliki 117 teman di situs itu, dibandingkan mereka yang rata-rata memiliki 75 teman dari sisa siswa.

Dari keseluruhan sampel, 63 persen mengatakan mereka menunda permintaan teman baru.

"Kebanyakan juga mengatakan kepada kami mereka cemas untuk menarik diri dari situs itu karena takut kehilangan informasi sosial penting atau menyinggung teman mereka," kata Charles.

Eleanor Barlow, seorang managing consultant yang mengkhususkan diri pada psikologi cyber di IBM, mengatakan klaim itu menarik, tetapi tidak harus diterapkan kepada populasi lebih luas di Facebook.

"Para siswa sering menggunakan Facebook dalam cara yang agak berbeda dari sebagian dari kita," dia menjelaskan.

"Mereka mengeksplorasi identitas mereka pada masa itu, termasuk secara online."

Meskipun sifat Facebook yang akrab di antara para siswa, riset Edinburgh Napier menemukan bahwa pengguna sering merasa itu hanya menawarkan ganjaran sederhana atau lemah.

"Seperti berjudi, Facebook mempertahankan para pengguna dalam neurotic limbo, tidak mengetahui apakah mereka harus bertahan di sana untuk berjaga-jaga mereka ketinggalan sesuatu informasi yang bagus."

Pada bulan November diklaim oleh tulisan para dokter dalam The Lancet bahwa stres karena pembaruan Facebook memicu serangan asma pada seorang gadis berumur 17 tahun.

nah bagaimana dengan anda ??? stress gag ppunya banyak teman di Facebook .???? 

Saturday, February 19, 2011

5 Top Green Cities in the World

Climate change is a new thing that is now being debated. In order to maintain the continuity of the earth as a planet inhabited by human beings, exploitation and use of green energy for human needs in the present and in the future have been considered. Several cities in the world even have tried to make their city as a green city with energy use really pure from nature, but do not exploit nature. Here are 5 of the most 'green' which uses natural energy for a better life: 

 1. Vancouver, Canada
Region recently held in trust for the first winter Olympics in the face of the earth that carries the theme of this sustainable, use of electronic waste as a medal, build a stadium which is very "green". but this is not just a business because of the winter olympics. Vancouver has been clean since the first. 90% of the electricity needs of the city is supplied from hydroelectric. Wind, solar, wave and tidal energy has been used extensively to maintain the environment in this city.

Mayor of Vancouver, Gregor Robertson told the official website of the city of Vancouver that "Vancouver will become the greenest city in the world in 2020?. To the citizens of Vancouver that is often referred to as Vancouverites want to live in a city living, affordable and sustainable. We appreciate the extraordinary beauty of our natural environment, celebrate diversity, and working to build a future of intelligent and green. Convergence of technology and environmental issues has changed the world economy. Vancouver is interesting and thoughtful leader who wants to invest and work in a city that offers a green city promising future, a city that respects natural heritage and offer all-party involvement.

2. Malmo, Swedia
This is one of the international city that is focused on green space. Renowned for their gardens, but also on sustainable urban development. This is one of the largest cities in Sweden and really beautiful city. They have changed their environment into an environmentally friendly area.

In this city you will find a lot of people cycling in the city because many roads built specifically for those who are cycling. The city is very green sky appreciate them and do not want them to be polluting the sky green. Today about 20% of the population of Malmo from different countries, making it the most cosmopolitan city in Sweden. This has contributed to a rich cultural life and the opportunity to enjoy many delicious and exotic food. Today the old industrial city has been replaced with an area of modern middle-class suburb, housing and environment-friendly neighborhoods.

3. Curitiba, Brazil
Curitiba is a city in southern Brazil and the capital of Paraná State (Estado) since 1854. The city was founded in 1654 as a gold mining camp. Population: 1.8 million (2007).

From the beginning of the 19th century, the city has received many immigrants from Germany, Italy, and Poland, and immigration continued during the 20th century with the arrival of Syria and Japan, as well as a massive influx of migrants from rural areas. The city has many green spaces like parks and botanical gardens are very beautiful like Bosque Alemão, Bosque de Portugal, Bosque Italiano, and others. The city is focused to become the greenest city and its residents are advised to leave their cars at home.

4. Portland Oregon, USA
The headquarters of the NBA team Portland Blazzers is indeed being actively welcomes clean-very jealous new world filled with green color and also a healthy place to live.

Although many U.S. cities now prefer to use the fast lane, this is the first city with a focus on alternative light-rail transit and an extensive network of bicycle paths to encourage people to leave their cars at home. Is also one of the first cities pledged to reduce emissions and begin the transition of building to use materials that can be recycled
5. Reykjavik, Islandia
Islandia, a country that is very close to the north pole, it has been using green pattern for the city, where 100% of power supply supplied from hydroelctricity and geothermal energy, transportation systems have also been very green with hydrogen buses

A city the greenest in Europe and the world, as well as the city with the cleanest and blue sky in the world. The city receives only 4 hours of heat in winter and the nights are very bright in the winter, is due to geographical location is very close to the north pole. Along with the number of industries and also the concept of a worldwide green, the city has used many environmentalist to visit or people on vacation just to breathe fresh air.

10 Countries With World's Most Beautiful Snow

Almost all countries that are beyond the line of latitude 40 degrees south and 40 degrees north latitude is always experiencing snowfall in certain periods. Snow falling sometimes can add beauty, but also can exacerbate the beauty. Lots of countries that actually have beautiful scenery due to the snow.

And from about six dozen countries that feel the falling snow, there is a list of 10 countries considered the most beautiful snow country. The meaning of this beautiful snow country is a country that has beautiful scenery due to the snow falling. Here is the country:

1. Swiss
Switzerland is one country in central Europe that has a beautiful scenery. State that directly borders with Germany, France, Italy, and Austria is largely a region famous slopes of the Alps keindahanya, so it would not be surprised if the Swiss have the best snow scenery in the world.

2. New Zealand
From the list of the best snow 1o this country, New Zealand is the only country Yeng located in the southern hemisphere. Western island nation in the western Pacific Ocean has the natural beauty of the mountains that is extraordinary.
3. Alaska (USA Territory)
In this case, considered the state of Alaska. This is because Alaska is a state of the United States are located separately from Its mother country. from all states of the United States, Alaska is the state of the snow pick the most beautiful natural scenery.

4. Kanada
State stretching from the Atlantic and Davis Strait to the Pacific ocean is a American country located in the far north. In the vast Canadian prairie and flat consists of the province of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, spread toward the Rocky Mountains will be turned into a paradise in the winter because snow was so beautiful.

5. Prancis
Although France is one of the countries in Western Europe, but France is one of the country traversed by the trajectory of the Alps. No wonder the pemandanganya beautiful, especially if coupled with views of Mount Blanc mountain range located on the southern coast of Western Europe, it will further add to the beauty of French landscapes.

6. Norwegia
It is not wrong if Norway has the most beautiful snow scene, This is because the location of Norway in the Scandinavian peninsula and the adjacent Atlantic ocean. Norway is a country that is mountainous and mostly covered by glaciers.

7. Islandia
Iceland is a country that partially covered by snow ice, therefore, this country called Iceland or Iceland (ground ice). State adjacent to Greenland is located in the northern Atlantic Ocean.
8. Jepang
Sakura country that has desert landscapes beautiful snow. This country is situated at about 41 degrees north latitude. When winter arrives, the views of the city will look like a fairy tale, especially if we see the scenery of snow on the slopes of Mount Fuji.

9. Swedia
Sweden is a Nordic country in Scandinavia. The country is bordered by Norway in the west and Finland in the northeast, the Skagerrak Strait and the Kattegat Strait in the southwest, and the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Bothnia in the east. This country was once the poorest country in Europe in the 19th century, but because of its natural beauty, this country became a popular tourist destination and then be able to build this country for the better.

10. Korea Selatan
Korea has one of the 4 seasons the topography of the mountains. Mountains in the eastern region into upstream generally large rivers, such as the Han River and the river Naktong. In winter, the mountains in South Korea turned into a very beautiful snow mountains.